Two Memorial Verses for Guilan Wang
吴称谋 作于2021年10月07日
附:王桂兰教授简介 The Introduction of Guilan Wang
Professor Guilan Wang has been served in the field of higher education for nearly thirty years since she came to the United States for her continued study in the 1980s last century. She obtained a doctorate in education from West Virginia University. During her tenure at the university, she also cared about and supported cultural exchanges and cooperation between China Mainland and the United States. She once advocated the establishment of a non-governmental cultural exchange organization-Tianwen United Institute.
Guilan Wang has been worked at four institutions of higher learning in the U.S. Two private, Dartmouth College and Roger Williams University, and two public, West Virginia University and Central Michigan University.
The positions she held include:
1) Assistant Provost for Global and International Education at Roger Williams University between 2008 - 2015;
2) Director of Office of International Education at Central Michigan University between 1999 - 2008;
3) Director of International Office at Dartmouth College between 1995 - 1999;
4) Director of FIPSE Grant at West Virginia University between 1993 - 1995.
王桂兰教授,早在八十年赴美留学,在西弗吉尼亚大学获得教育学博士。此后,她一直在美国高等教育领域任职。她在高校任职期间,也非常关心和支持中美文化的交流与合作。她曾经倡导创办一所民间文化交流机构 ----- 天问联合学会。
1) 2008-2015 年在罗杰威廉姆斯大学担任全球和国际教育助理教务长;
2) 1999-2008年中密歇根大学国际教育办公室主任;
3) 1995 年至 1999 年达特茅斯学院国际办公室主任,
4) 1993 年至 1995 年西弗吉尼亚大学 FIPSE 基金主任。