
Chenmou Wu: A Letter from President Joe Biden


A letter from  President Joe Biden to Chenmou Wu




致特拉华州贝尔市  吴称谋 先生 










        乔 · 拜登

Attached is the excerpt from Wu's letter: 

Dear President Biden                                               

October 10, 2022


I am Chenmou Wu, an independent Chinese scholar, and a sworn-in U.S. citizen recently. The United States opened a door of freedom for me to come here as a visiting scholar to do academic exchanges on East Asian cultures at a famous University in 2011. Now, I live in the New Castle county of Delaware, which is your home state.  


President Biden, you have dedicated your life to the American people since you became a senator at Delaware state in 1973. Until today, the door of your sincere service has always been open for different races; moreover, it is wider, more accessible, and unobstructed than before. There are many touching stories circulating in various communities about your great jobs. For example, a 70-year-old Chinese neighbor said that many years ago his mother-in-law encountered a bit of trouble getting a visa to visit him. In desperation, he wrote a letter to you for help. Through your compassionate assistance, they finally had a reunion. I heard this story at his home in Newark when you won the presidential election in 2020. As a resident of Delaware, I am honored and proud of you as the 46th President of the United States.  

It is indisputable that the United States and China are the most important bilateral relationship in the world. On September 21, 2022, you slammed Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in a speech to the United Nations. Democratic countries should unite to prevent this tragedy from happening. Peace-loving people around the world, as well as many Chinese people, agree and appreciate your attitude. As a Chinese person, I would like to express my great gratitude to you and to the White House Office. Many Chinese people sincerely believe your words will never fall short anytime. 


Dear President Biden, once you shared a very philosophical quote at a family ceremony: “Courage is the most important virtue because none of the rest of the virtues will matter without courage. Your mother once educated you with these words in your early years, and it was posted by my friend in an essay who met you in 2020. 

I believe this phrase must have successfully affected your life. On October 4 of The Hill News, “The president has said this himself: He intends to run in 2024,” said White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. As I read this exciting news, I suppose your courage in facing new challenges should come from your mother. Putin's defeat in the Russo-Ukrainian war just proves that you have very rich, mature political experience and wisdom. I believe you will continue to make new glorious history and I will support you.

Courage also determines the boundaries of spirituality. Just because I am Chinese, I hope my compatriots will be free and happy in the future. In addition, as a global citizen, anyone should have spirituality, and let this world have peace, love, and happiness.


God bless the USA!

Respectfully yours, 


Chenmou Wu

Chenmou Wu: The Heart of Gratitude


<The Heart of Gratitude >


More than one decade,

 I have been living freely in North America.

When every Thanksgiving Day comes,

I always have a lot of feelings

For how to show my gratitude.


Vicissitudes of life,

Leaves a lot of marks on my face.

With the help of my family, relatives

And the blessings of friends,

Everything is worthy of thanks.


Fate is so changeable and so elusive,

Even difficult to grasp.

Once a fantastic fate may become past

Then new encounters often arrive unexpectedly.


In this world,

There are two kinds of destiny

That is unchanging and indisputable.

They are,

The parents who gave us bodies,

And the God who gives us spirit.


Be grateful,

Not be indiscriminate or obscene.

Our parents should get it.

Only Almighty God is most worthy to bear it.









        从清末帝制社会告终, 民国共和肇造开始,皇权专制造成的文字狱现象终于走进了历史。在上世纪初,小说《红楼梦》的出版发行进入了一个前所未有的繁荣阶段。与此同时,文学界对《红楼梦》的研究和原作者的考证逐渐成为了热门显学。愈百年以来,几代红学专家学者和《红楼梦》爱好者们,对于《红楼梦》原作者究竟是谁,存在不少盲人摸象式的认知,故而众说纷纭,争论不休,莫衷一是。据统计,《红楼梦》原作者的可能人选竟达几十人之多,当然很多疑似作者根本经不起推敲,自然不必当真了。那些参与其中的人们,有严谨考证者,有凑热闹者,有起哄者,有张冠李戴者。这种文化乱象既是明清时期的文字狱造成的,也是当下世风浮躁的一种必然结果。


